UC Berkeley
Daniel Klawson

Daniel Klawson

Graduate Student

Research Advisor: Ming C. Wu
BETR Research Thrust: Photonics and Optical Interconnects


Daniel is a PhD student in the Ming Wu Integrated Photonics Lab at Berkeley. He grew up in Maryland and graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in EE in 2020. After moving to Berkeley to start his PhD that summer, Daniel has enjoyed exploring California’s nature and cities. Since arriving, he has backpacked through Yosemite and summited half dome. He has also learned to surf at a few NorCal beaches. In his free time, he loves hiking, snowboarding, as well as watching and playing soccer. When not outdoors, he likes to cook and watch movies.


Daniel’s research is part of the new NSF Challenge Institute for Quantum Computation (CIQC). He is designing novel, scalable photonic integrated circuits for control of trapped ion qubits. One avenue of his research is through passive photonics – he has been designing an in-house fabrication process for complete excitation of 40Ca+ ions using visible light in Si3N4. In collaboration with researchers from UCLA, he is also pursuing active photonics research, using his group’s marquee MEMS optical switch for select addressing of 133Ba+. Through his research, Daniel hopes to scale quantum systems to new levels of functionality with integrated photonics.

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