UC Berkeley
Jianheng Luo

Jianheng Luo

Graduate Student

Research Advisor: Ming C. Wu
BETR Research Thrust: Photonics and Optical Interconnects


Jianheng Luo is a fourth year Ph.D. Student in the EECS department at UC Berkeley. He was born southeast China. He got his bachelor’s degree in engineering physics at UC Berkeley in 2017. In this spare time, Jianheng enjoys sports, music and building hand-on projects.


Jianheng Luo’s research focuses on silicon photonics. He has been involved in the development of MEMS-based silicon switches and wavelength division multiplexing MEMS switches. He is currently working on MEMS switch integrated Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) device. MEMS switch integrated FTIR can potentially be a low-cost, sensitive and portable option for chemical analysis.

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