Benefits of Industrial Affiliate Membership

Direct Access to UC Berkeley Researchers
Strong ties between UC Berkeley researchers and industry affiliates are central to the mission of the BETR Center. Affiliates enjoy close interactions with the 40+ BETR Center core students and postdocs from world-renowned engineering faculty research groups as well as with more than 50 additional members of BETR faculty research labs.
Attendance at Biannual Center Workshops
Workshops are held twice a year and feature oral and poster presentations by BETR Center members. These events offer an opportunity to meet and interact with students and postdocs, who are potential candidates for internships and/or employment in industry.
Invitation to Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS)
Each year, UC Berkeley’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences hosts a day-long research conference, which gives industrial affiliates a look at some of the most exciting research being pursued in information science and technology.
Access to Research Seminars and Recordings
BETR members have online live access to 20+ seminars each year, given by researchers from various national and international research institutions and industry. In addition, 160+ archived research talks are available for registered members on the BETR website.

Customized Research Briefings
Upon request, the BETR Center staff facilitates meetings with individual BETR Center faculty and their research groups. In addition, introductions to other campus research centers and to companies that are part of UC Berkeley’s technology innovation ecosystem can be arranged.
A Seat on the BETR Center’s Technical Advisory Board (TAB)
Each affiliate may designate one representative to serve on the Technical Advisory Board to provide feedback for on-going research and future directions. The goal is to promote dialog between industry and academia and to provide multiple and holistic perspectives from across the industrial ecosystem.
Annual Research and Knowledge Transfer Report
Affiliates receive detailed annual reports about all BETR Center activities, including research accomplishments, current research projects, and knowledge transfer achievements, such as research webinars, publications, and invention disclosures and patent applications.
Facilitation of Technology Licensing
At semi-annual reviews/workshops, a list of papers and invention disclosures submitted since the last review is provided to all affiliates. Upon request, the BETR Center staff facilitates introductions to the Industry Alliances Office and Office of Technology Licensing at UC Berkeley.

For questions about BETR Center membership and website account information, please contact the BETR Center at