BETR Publications

N.M. Andrade, S. Hooten, S.A. Fortuna, K. Han, E. Yablonovitch, and M.C. Wu, “Inverse design optimization for efficient coupling of an electrically injected optical antenna-LED to a single-mode waveguide,” Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 14, pp. 19802-19814, Jul 2019.

J. Pak, I. Lee, K. Cho, J.K. Kim, H. Jeong, W.T. Hwang, G.H. Ahn, K. Kang, W. Jong, Y. Woo, J. Yu, A. Javey, S. Chung, and T. Lee, “Intrinsic Optoelectronic Characteristics of MoS2 Phototransistors via a Fully Transparent van der Waals Heterostructure,” ACS Nano, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 9638-9646, Jul 2019.

M. Malinowski, R. Bustos-Ramirez, J.E. Tremblay, G.F. Camacho-Gonzalez, M.C. Wu, P.J. Delfyett, and S. Fathpour, “Towards On-Chip Self-Referenced Frequency-Comb Sources Based on Semiconductor Mode-Locked Lasers,” Micromachines, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 391, Jun 2019.

K. Han, T.J. Seok, C.K. Kim, R.S. Muller, and M.C. Wu, “Multicast silicon photonic MEMS switches with gap-adjustable directional couplers,” Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 13, pp. 17561-17570, Jun 2019.

H. Sattari, T. Graziosi, M. Kiss, T.J. Seok, S. Han, M.C. Wu, and N. Quack, “Silicon Photonic MEMS Phase-Shifter,” Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 13, pp. 18959-18969, Jun 2019.

C. Baumbauer, J. Ting, A. Thielens, J. Rabaey, and A.C. Arias, “Towards Wireless Flexible Printed Wearable Sensors,” 2019 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI), Jun 2019.

A. El-Ghazaly, B. Tran, A. Ceballos, C.H. Lambert, A. Pattabi, S. Salahuddin, and J. Bokor, “Ultrafast magnetization switching in nanoscale magnetic dots,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 114, no. 23, pp. 232407, Jun 2019.

J. Hong, X. Li, O.J. Lee, W. Tian, S. Khizroev, J. Bokor, L. You, “Demonstration of spin transfer torque (STT) magnetic recording,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 114, no. 24, pp. 243101, Jun 2019.

G. Zhang, M. Amani, A. Chaturvedi, C. Tan, J. Bullock, X. Song, H. Kim, D.-H. Lien, M.C. Scott, H. Zhang, and A. Javey, “Optical and electrical properties of two-dimensional palladium diselenide,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 114, no. 25, pp. 253102, Jun 2019.

H. Pinkard, Z. Phillips, A. Babakhani, D.A. Fletcher, and L. Waller, “Deep learning for single-shot autofocus microscopy,” Optica, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 794-797, Jun 2019.

R. Eckert, D. Ren, M. Chen, E. Bostan, and L. Waller, “Pupil coding for increased measurement diversity in 3D Fourier ptychography,” Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CW3A., Jun 2019.

K. Monakhova, N. Antipa, and L. Waller, “Learning for lensless mask-based imaging,” Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTu3A., Jun 2019.

L.H. Yeh, S. Chowdhury, N.A. Repina, and L. Waller, “Speckle-structured illumination for 3D phase and fluorescence computational microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 3635-3653, Jun 2019.

N. Mehta, C. Sun, M. Wade, and V. Stojanović, “A Differential Optical Receiver With Monolithic Split-Microring Photodetector,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 2230-2242, Jun 2019.

D.H. Lien, S.Z. Uddin, M. Yeh, M. Amani, H. Kim, J.W. Ager, E. Yablonovitch, and A. Javey, “Electrical suppression of all nonradiative recombination pathways in monolayer semiconductors,” Science, vol. 364, no. 6439, pp. 468-471, May 2019.

V.R. Shrestha, B. Craig, M. Amani, J. Bullock, A. Javey, and K.B. Crozier, “Mid-Infrared Computational Spectroscopy with an Electrically-Tunable Graphene Metasurface,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, paper SW3J.2, May 2019.

C. Adamopoulos, A. Gharia, A. Niknejad, M. Anwar, and V. Stojanović, “Electronic-Photonic Platform for Label-Free Biophotonic Sensing in Advanced Zero-Change CMOS-SOI Process,” CLEO: QELS Fundamental Science, JW2A., May 2019.

T. Aidukas, R. Eckert, A.R. Harvey, L. Waller, and P.C. Konda, “Low-cost, sub-micron resolution, wide-field computational microscopy using opensource hardware,” Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 7457, May 2019.

N. Roschewsky, E.S. Walker, P. Gowtham, S. Muschinske, F. Hellman, S.R. Bank, and S. Salahuddin, “Spin-orbit torque and Nernst effect in Bi-Sb/Co heterostructures,” Physical Review B, vol. 99, no. 19, pp. 195103, May 2019.

P. Zarkos, O. Hsu, and V. Stojanović, “Ring Resonator Based Ultrasound Detection in a Zero-Change Advanced CMOS-SOI Process,” CLEO: Applications and Technology, JW2A., May 2019.