BETR Publications

H. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Y. Song, M. Zhou, W. Lv, L. Tao, Y. Feng, B. Song, Y. Ma, J. Zhang, J. Xiao, Y. Wang, D.-H. Lien, M. Amani, H. Kim, X. Chen, Z. Wu, Z. Ni, P. Wang, Y. Shi, H. Ma, X. Zhang, J.-B. Xu, A. Troisi, A. Javey, and X. Wang, “Strong optical response and light emission from a monolayer molecular crystal,” Nature Communications, vol. 10, pp. 1-9, Dec 2019.

S. Sherwin, I. Cordova, L. Waller, A. Neureuther, and P. Naulleau, “Measuring the Phase of EUV Photomasks,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 11147, International Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 2019, pp. 111471F, Nov 2019.

Z. Xiao, R.L. Conte, M. Goiriena, R.V. Chopdekar, X. Li, S. Tiwari, C.H. Lambert, S. Salahuddin, G.P. Carman, K. Wang, J. Bokor, and R.N. Candler, “Electric-field controlled magnetic reorientation in exchange coupled CoFeB/Ni bilayer microstructures,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1407, pp. 012024, Nov 2019.

P. Zhao, R. Wang, D.H. Lien, Y. Zhao, H. Kim, J. Cho, G.H. Ahn, and A. Javey, “Scanning Probe Lithography Patterning of Monolayer Semiconductors and Application in Quantifying Edge Recombination,” Advanced Materials, vol. 31, pp. 1900136, Nov 2019.

T.J. Seok, J. Luo, Z. Huang, K. Kwon, J. Henriksson, J. Jacobs, L. Ochikubo, R.S. Muller, and M.C. Wu, “Silicon photonic wavelength cross-connect with integrated MEMS switching,” APL Photonics, vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 100803, Oct 2019.

K. Takei, W. Gao, C. Wang, and A. Javey, “Physical and Chemical Sensing With Electronic Skin,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 107, no. 10, pp. 2155-2167, Oct 2019.

T.J. Seok, J. Luo, Z. Huang, K. Kwon, J. Henriksson, J. Jacobs, L. Ochikubo, R.S. Muller, and M.C. Wu, “Silicon photonic wavelength cross-connect with integrated MEMS switching,” APL Photonics, vol. 4, pp. 100803, Oct 2019.

E.A. Tremsina, N. Roschewsky, and S. Salahuddin, “Micromagnetic analysis and optimization of spin-orbit torque switching processes in synthetic antiferromagnets,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 126, pp. 163905, Oct 2019.

J. Hong, Y. Kim, J. Liang, H. Chen, C.Y. Park, H. Yang, E.J.G. Santos, J. Bokor, C.-C. Hwang, and L. You, “Intrinsic Controllable Magnetism of Graphene Grown on Fe,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 123, pp. 26870-26876, Oct 2019.

S. Chowdhury, M. Chen, R. Eckert, D. Ren, F. Wu, N. Repina, and L. Waller, “High-resolution 3D refractive index microscopy of multiple-scattering samples from intensity images,” Optica, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1211-1219, Sep 2019.

K. Monakhova, J. Yurtsever, G. Kuo, N. Antipa, K. Yanny, and L. Waller, “Learned reconstructions for practical mask-based lensless imaging,” Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 20, pp. 28075-28090, Sep 2019.

N. Kent, R. Streubel, C.H. Lambert, A. Ceballos, S.G. Je, S. Dhuey, M.Y. Im, F. Buettner, F. Hellman, S. Salahuddin, and P. Fischer, “Generation and stability of structurally imprinted target skyrmions in magnetic multilayers,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 115, no. 11, pp. 112404, Sep 2019.

Y.H. Liao, D. Kwon, Y.K. Lin, A.J. Tan, C. Hu, and S. Salahuddin, “Anomalously Beneficial Gate-Length Scaling Trend of Negative Capacitance Transistors,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Early Access, Sep 2019.

T.G. Allen, J. Bullock, X. Yang, A. Javey, and S. De Wolf, “Passivating contacts for crystalline silicon solar cells,“ Nature Energy, published online, Sep 2019.

S.B. Desai, H.M. Fahad, T. Lundberg, G. Pitner, H. Kim, D. Chrzan, H.S.P. Wong, and A. Javey, “Gate Quantum Capacitance Effects in Nanoscale Transistors,” Nano Letters, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 7130-7137, Sep 2019.

Y. Khan, D. Han, J. Ting, M. Ahmed, R. Nagisetty, and A.C. Arias, “Organic Multi-Channel Optoelectronic Sensors for Wearable Health Monitoring,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 128114-128124, Sep 2019.

T. Kim, P. Bhargava, C.V. Poulton, J. Notaros, A. Yaacobi, E. Timurdogan, C. Baiocco, N. Fahrenkopf, S. Kruger, T. Ngai, Y. Timalsina, M.R. Watts, and V. Stojanović, “A Single-Chip Optical Phased Array in a Wafer-Scale Silicon Photonics/CMOS 3D-Integration Platform,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Early Access, Sep 2019.

C.A. Reynaud, R. Clerc, P.B. Lechêne, M. Hébert, A. Cazier, and A.C. Arias, “Evaluation of indoor photovoltaic power production under directional and diffuse lighting conditions,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 200, pp. 110010, Sep 2019.

M.E. Payne, A. Zamarayeva, V.I. Pister, N.A.D. Yamamoto, and A.C. Arias, “Printed, Flexible Lactate Sensors: Design Considerations Before Performing On-Body Measurements,” Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-10, Sep 2019.

P. Zhao, R. Wang, D.H. Lien, Y. Zhao, H. Kim, J. Cho, G.H. Ahn, and A. Javey, “Scanning Probe Lithography Patterning of Monolayer Semiconductors and Application in Quantifying Edge Recombination,” Advanced Materials, Early View, 1900136, Sep 2019.