Berkeley Symposium on 2D Semiconductors

April 9, 2024 – Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley

Berkeley is in some sense the real “flatland”, with broad expertise in chemistry, physics, materials, and devices of 2D semiconductors. The 2024 Berkeley Symposium on 2D Semiconductors will bring together experts from industry, UC Berkeley, and LBNL, covering a wide spectrum of 2D materials research and development. The objectives of this symposium are to (i) create a more collaborative and cohesive community at Berkeley/LBNL with close partnership with industry, (ii) inform Berkeley researchers of the industry needs, and (iii) inform industry of Berkeley’s unique capabilities, and establish impactful collaboration.


Prof. Ali Javey

  • Lam Research Distinguished Chair in Semiconductor Processing
  • Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
  • Program Leader, Electronic Materials, LBNL

Dr. Michael Bartl

  • Executive Director
  • Berkeley Emerging Technologies Research (BETR) Center, UC Berkeley


Corporate Vice President, Advanced Micro Devices
Principal Scientist in Compute Memory Technologies, IMEC Belgium
Components Research Engineer, Intel Corporation
Senior Member of Technical Staff and Director of Technology Development, Applied Materials
Principal Researcher, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics


Senior Staff Scientist, Materials and Chemical Sciences Divisions, LBNL
Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering, UC Berkeley
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering, UC Berkeley
Staff Scientist, Molecular Foundry, LBNL
Professor, Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
Senior Scientist & Director, Center for X-Ray Optics, LBNL
Principal Scientist in Compute Memory Technologies, IMEC Belgium
Distinguished Professor, Physics, UC Berkeley
Director, Molecular Foundry, LBNL
Deputy Director, Exploratory Materials and Devices, Corporate Research, TSMC
Staff Scientist, Molecular Foundry, LBNL
Senior Staff Scientist, Advanced Light Source, LBNL
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering, UC Berkeley
Professor, Physics, UC Berkeley
Facility Director, Imaging and Manipulation of Nanostructures, Molecular Foundry, LBNL
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering, UC Berkeley
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering, UC Berkeley


Ali Javey, “2D Semiconductors: From Science to Technology”

Steven Louie, “Theory of Electronic and Optical Properties of 2D Semiconductors”

Joel Ager, “Optical Characterization and Metrology of 2D Materials”

Bruno LaFontaine, “Patterning using High-NA EUV Lithography at Berkeley Lab”
Eli Rotenberg, “In Operando Electronic Structure Characterization of 2D Materials using nanoARPES”
Peter Ercius, “Advances in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy to Image Complex Phenomena in 2D Materials”
Alexander Weber-Bargioni, “Protecting and Controlling Quasiparticle Excitations in 2-D Materials by Atomic Scale Defect Engineering”
Archana Raja, “Synthesis and Multimodal Characterization of Electrons and Excitons in 2D Materials and Their Heterostructures”
Felix Fischer, “Engineering Electronic Band Structure in Nanographenes”
Feng Wang, “Device and Characterization of 2D Semiconductors”
Daryl Chrzan, “Van der Waals Interface Strengths”
Junqiao Wu, “Thermal Conduction and Point Defects in 2D Materials”
Jie Yao, “Manipulating Ferroic Responses in 2D Materials”
Panel Discussion “Industry Insights on Research Needs for 2D Semiconductors”

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Michael Bartl